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Produkt zum Begriff Chemical:

  • Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    A Practical, Up-to-Date Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics, Including Coverage of Process Simulation Models and an Introduction to Biological Systems   Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition, helps readers master the fundamentals of applied thermodynamics as practiced today: with extensive development of molecular perspectives that enables adaptation to fields including biological systems, environmental applications, and nanotechnology. This text is distinctive in making molecular perspectives accessible at the introductory level and connecting properties with practical implications.   Features of the second edition include   Hierarchical instruction with increasing levels of detail: Content requiring deeper levels of theory is clearly delineated in separate sections and chaptersEarly introduction to the overall perspective of composite systems like distillation columns, reactive processes, and biological systemsLearning objectives, problem-solving strategies for energy balances and phase equilibria, chapter summaries, and “important equations” for every chapterExtensive practical examples, especially coverage of non-ideal mixtures, which include water contamination via hydrocarbons, polymer blending/recycling, oxygenated fuels, hydrogen bonding, osmotic pressure, electrolyte solutions, zwitterions and biological molecules, and other contemporary issuesSupporting software in formats for both MATLAB® and spreadsheetsOnline supplemental sections and resources including instructor slides, ConcepTests, coursecast videos, and other useful resources

    Preis: 108.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering

    Today’s Definitive, Undergraduate-Level Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving   For 30 years, H. Scott Fogler’s Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the #1 selling text for courses in chemical reaction engineering worldwide. Now, in Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, Fogler has distilled this classic into a modern, introductory-level guide specifically for undergraduates. This is the ideal resource for today’s students: learners who demand instantaneous access to information and want to enjoy learning as they deepen their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. Fogler successfully integrates text, visuals, and computer simulations, and links theory to practice through many relevant examples. This updated second edition covers mole balances, conversion and reactor sizing, rate laws and stoichiometry, isothermal reactor design, rate data collection/analysis, multiple reactions, reaction mechanisms, pathways, bioreactions and bioreactors, catalysis, catalytic reactors, nonisothermal reactor designs, and more. Its multiple improvements include a new discussion of activation energy, molecular simulation, and stochastic modeling, and a significantly revamped chapter on heat effects in chemical reactors. To promote the transfer of key skills to real-life settings, Fogler presents three styles of problems: Straightforward problems that reinforce the principles of chemical reaction engineeringLiving Example Problems (LEPs) that allow students to rapidly explore the issues and look for optimal solutionsOpen-ended problems that encourage students to use inquiry-based learning to practice creative problem-solving skills About the Web Site ( The companion Web site offers extensive enrichment opportunities and additional content, including  Complete PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including Polymath, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, AspenTech, and COMSOL MultiphysicsInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Computer Simulations and Experiments, Solved Problems, FAQs, and links to LearnChemELiving Example Problems that provide more than 75 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask “what-if ” questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, containing advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreProblem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinking Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available.

    Preis: 100.57 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering

    The Definitive Guide to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving -- With Updated Content and More Active Learning For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant chemical reaction engineering text. This Sixth Edition and integrated Web site deliver a more compelling active learning experience than ever before. Using sliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulation experiments.Writing for today's students, Fogler provides instant access to information, avoids extraneous details, and presents novel problems linking theory to practice. Faculty can flexibly define their courses, drawing on updated chapters, problems, and extensive Professional Reference Shelf web content at diverse levels of difficulty.The book thoroughly prepares undergraduates to apply chemical reaction kinetics and physics to the design of chemical reactors. And four advanced chapters address graduate-level topics, including effectiveness factors. To support the field's growing emphasis on chemical reactor safety, each chapter now ends with a practical safety lesson.Updates throughout the book reflect current theory and practice and emphasize safetyNew discussions of molecular simulations and stochastic modelingIncreased emphasis on alternative energy sources such as solar and biofuelsThorough reworking of three chapters on heat effects Full chapters on nonideal reactors, diffusion limitations, and residence time distribution About the Companion Web Site ( PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including POLYMATH, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, AspenTech, and COMSOLInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Solved Problems, FAQs, additional homework problems, and links to LearnchemeLiving Example Problems -- unique to this book -- that provide more than 80 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask "what-if" questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, which includes advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreProblem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinkingRegister your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 124.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    The Clear, Well-Organized Introduction to Thermodynamics Theory and Calculations for All Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Students   This text is designed to make thermodynamics far easier for undergraduate chemical engineering students to learn, and to help them perform thermodynamic calculations with confidence. Drawing on his award-winning courses at Penn State, Dr. Themis Matsoukas focuses on “why” as well as “how.” He offers extensive imagery to help students conceptualize the equations, illuminating thermodynamics with more than 100 figures, as well as 190 examples from within and beyond chemical engineering.   Part I clearly introduces the laws of thermodynamics with applications to pure fluids. Part II extends thermodynamics to mixtures, emphasizing phase and chemical equilibrium. Throughout, Matsoukas focuses on topics that link tightly to other key areas of undergraduate chemical engineering, including separations, reactions, and capstone design. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems range from basic calculations to realistic environmental applications; these can be solved with any leading mathematical software.   Coverage includes • Pure fluids, PVT behavior, and basic calculations of enthalpy and entropy • Fundamental relationships and the calculation of properties from equations of state • Thermodynamic analysis of chemical processes • Phase diagrams of binary and simple ternary systems • Thermodynamics of mixtures using equations of state • Ideal and nonideal solutions • Partial miscibility, solubility of gases and solids, osmotic processes • Reaction equilibrium with applications to single and multiphase reactions  

    Preis: 108.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kannst du Singstar mit dem Lied "My Chemical Romance" spielen?

    Ja, es gibt verschiedene Singstar-Spiele, die Lieder von My Chemical Romance enthalten. Du kannst also definitiv Singstar mit einem ihrer Lieder spielen.

  • Welche Bedeutung hat Nonchalance in der Kunst und wie kann sie in der Malerei oder Skulptur dargestellt werden?

    Nonchalance in der Kunst bedeutet eine gewisse Lässigkeit und Ungezwungenheit in der Darstellung von Werken. Sie kann in der Malerei durch lockere Pinselstriche oder unkonventionelle Kompositionen dargestellt werden. In der Skulptur kann Nonchalance durch asymmetrische Formen oder scheinbar zufällige Anordnungen von Elementen zum Ausdruck gebracht werden.

  • Wann findet die nächste Ausstellung im örtlichen Kunst- und Kulturzentrum statt, und welche Künstler werden daran teilnehmen?

    Die nächste Ausstellung findet am 15. Mai statt. Teilnehmende Künstler sind Anna Müller, Max Schmidt und Lisa Wagner.

  • Was ist das zentrale Thema der aktuellen Ausstellung in der örtlichen Galerie?

    Die aktuelle Ausstellung in der örtlichen Galerie widmet sich dem Thema Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit. Künstler präsentieren Werke, die auf die Dringlichkeit des Klimawandels aufmerksam machen. Die Besucher werden dazu angeregt, über ihren eigenen ökologischen Fußabdruck nachzudenken.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Chemical:

  • Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications
    Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications

    The #1 Process Safety Guide, Now Extensively Updated for Current Industrial Processes, Systems, and Practices   Process safety has seen a dramatic consolidation of concepts in the past few years. Chemical Process Safety, Fourth Edition, provides students and working engineers with the understanding necessary to apply these new concepts to safely design and operate any process.   Long the definitive guide in the field, this edition fully reflects major recent advances in process safety technology and practice. Readers will find extensive new and updated coverage of relief sizing, hazards identification, risk assessment, and many other topics. Several chapters have been completely rewritten, and all are substantially modified. This textbook includes 50 new problems and solutions (mostly in SI units), and 25 new case histories.   Safety culturePreventive and mitigative safeguardsThe CCPS 20 elements of Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS)Toxicology, industrial hygiene, and source modelsHazardous material dispersionFires, explosions, and concepts for preventing themChemical reactivityReliefs and relief sizingHazards identification and evaluationRisk analysis and assessment, including Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)Safety strategies, procedures, designs, case histories, and lessons learned  Crowl and Louvar link key academic concepts to modern industrial practice, making this guide invaluable for all engineering students and for all working engineers.   Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 124.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Global Edition
    Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Global Edition

    The Definitive Guide to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving -- With Updated Content and More Active Learning For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant chemical reaction engineering text. This Sixth Edition and integrated Web site deliver a more compelling active learning experience than ever before. Using sliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulation experiments.Writing for today's students, Fogler provides instant access to information, avoids extraneous details, and presents novel problems linking theory to practice. Faculty can flexibly define their courses, drawing on updated chapters, problems, and extensive Professional Reference Shelf web content at diverse levels of difficulty.The book thoroughly prepares undergraduates to apply chemical reaction kinetics and physics to the design of chemical reactors. And four advanced chapters address graduate-level topics, including effectiveness factors. To support the field's growing emphasis on chemical reactor safety, each chapter now ends with a practical safety lesson.Updates throughout the book reflect current theory and practice and emphasize safetyNew discussions of molecular simulations and stochastic modelingIncreased emphasis on alternative energy sources such as solar and biofuelsThorough reworking of three chapters on heat effectsFull chapters on nonideal reactors, diffusion limitations, and residence time distributionAbout the Companion Web Site ( PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including POLYMATHTM, MATLABTM, Wolfram MathematicaTM, AspenTechTM, and COMSOLTMInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Solved Problems, FAQs, additional homework problems, and links to LearnchemeLiving Example Problems -- unique to this book -- that provide more than 80 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask "what-if" questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, which includes advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreProblem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinkingRegister your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Herren-Hoodie Goat Chemical Hockey Hoodie Multi
    Herren-Hoodie Goat Chemical Hockey Hoodie Multi

    Langarm-Sweatshirt, verstellbare Kapuze mit elastischem Kordelzug und KordelblockVordertasche mit ReiBverschluss, Armel mit Saum und Daumenlochern, verstellbarer Saum mit elastischem Kordelzug und KordelblockEntspannte PassformZiegenaufnaher auf der RuckseiteStickerei auf Vorder- und RuckseiteMaterial: 70 % Baumwolle, 30 % Polyesterhand-/maschinenwaschbar (siehe Etikett)

    Preis: 183.00 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    A Practical, Up-to-Date Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics, Including Coverage of Process Simulation Models and an Introduction to Biological Systems   Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition, helps readers master the fundamentals of applied thermodynamics as practiced today: with extensive development of molecular perspectives that enables adaptation to fields including biological systems, environmental applications, and nanotechnology. This text is distinctive in making molecular perspectives accessible at the introductory level and connecting properties with practical implications.   Features of the second edition include   Hierarchical instruction with increasing levels of detail: Content requiring deeper levels of theory is clearly delineated in separate sections and chaptersEarly introduction to the overall perspective of composite systems like distillation columns, reactive processes, and biological systemsLearning objectives, problem-solving strategies for energy balances and phase equilibria, chapter summaries, and “important equations” for every chapterExtensive practical examples, especially coverage of non-ideal mixtures, which include water contamination via hydrocarbons, polymer blending/recycling, oxygenated fuels, hydrogen bonding, osmotic pressure, electrolyte solutions, zwitterions and biological molecules, and other contemporary issuesSupporting software in formats for both MATLAB® and spreadsheetsOnline supplemental sections and resources including instructor slides, ConcepTests, coursecast videos, and other useful resources

    Preis: 108.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Vorteile bietet eine Internet-Ausstellung im Vergleich zu einer herkömmlichen Ausstellung in einer Galerie oder einem Museum? Wie können Online-Ausstellungen dazu beitragen, mehr Menschen für Kunst und Kultur zu begeistern?

    Eine Internet-Ausstellung bietet den Vorteil, dass sie von überall auf der Welt zugänglich ist und somit ein breiteres Publikum erreicht werden kann. Online-Ausstellungen ermöglichen es den Besuchern, die Kunstwerke in ihrem eigenen Tempo und zu ihrer eigenen Zeit zu betrachten. Durch die Verwendung von interaktiven Elementen wie Videos, Audioführungen und virtuellen Rundgängen können Online-Ausstellungen das Interesse und die Neugierde der Besucher wecken und sie dazu ermutigen, sich intensiver mit Kunst und Kultur auseinanderzusetzen.

  • Wann findet die nächste Ausstellung in der Galerie statt? Können Sie mir sagen, welche Kunstwerke in der aktuellen Ausstellung zu sehen sind?

    Die nächste Ausstellung findet nächsten Monat statt. Die aktuellen Kunstwerke sind Gemälde von lokalen Künstlern. Leider kann ich Ihnen keine genauen Informationen zu den Kunstwerken geben.

  • Wie können Künstler und Kunstliebhaber gleichermaßen von einer Online-Galerie profitieren?

    Künstler können von einer Online-Galerie profitieren, indem sie ihre Werke einem globalen Publikum präsentieren und potenzielle Käufer erreichen können, ohne physisch anwesend zu sein. Sie können auch ihre Bekanntheit steigern und ihre Werke in einem professionellen Umfeld präsentieren. Kunstliebhaber können von einer Online-Galerie profitieren, indem sie eine breite Auswahl an Kunstwerken aus verschiedenen Stilen und Epochen entdecken können, ohne reisen zu müssen. Sie können auch direkt mit den Künstlern in Kontakt treten und Kunstwerke kaufen, ohne auf Öffnungszeiten oder Standorte beschränkt zu sein. Durch die Nutzung von Online-Galerien können Künstler und Kunstliebhaber auch von einer Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen profitieren, wie z.B.

  • Wie werden Körpernachbildungen in der Kunst und Skulptur verwendet?

    Körpernachbildungen werden in der Kunst und Skulptur verwendet, um die menschliche Form und Anatomie darzustellen. Sie dienen als Ausdrucksmittel für Emotionen, Geschichten und Ideen. Oftmals werden sie auch genutzt, um Schönheit, Kraft oder Verletzlichkeit zu veranschaulichen.

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